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meAF.jpg (24489 bytes)In my 19 years of the Air Force, I have worked on T-38a's, KC-135 A's and R's and RF-4C's

This picture was taken when I was in Germany, and many years later I found it and discovered  that the F-4 was the first jet I  worked on, and the KC-135 would be my last. Kind of like it was predetermined.



See my Zweibrucken Pages.

Two Links about Zweibrucken:

26th Field Maintenance Squadron's  

and the 38th TRW web page

See Some F-4 Reconnaissance photo's here.




T-38A's at Williams AFB AZ

Also, here are some pictures of Williams AFB; Old Willy and New Willy

I worked On KC-135 A's and R's for 4 years at Minot AFB ND.

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You can't cook unless you know how to burn water.

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TDY in Egypt.

See a F-15 roll here:

I did 6+ years as a Facility Manager at a ICBM site. Here is a on-line tour of a older one

A Minuteman III

As of August 2001 I officially retired from the Air Force, and it's good to be living in Oregon!