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27 June, 2000

States visited today: New Mexico, Arizona

Total states seen: 8

Day 8

f4.jpg (14408 bytes)We got up and drove to Holloman AFB. I saw a pair of F-4’s flying! It sure brought back memories. Saw an F-117 flying, and we ate breakfast at McDonald’s. We walked around the display aircraft then back on the road. 



whitesands.jpg (35319 bytes)whitesands2.jpg (55634 bytes) We stopped at the White Sands National Monument, talks about the white sands of the area… Boring… I want to see bombs. We went on to the White Sands Missile Range Museum and walked around.   Now this is what I’m talking about! Security was real tight, even for a active duty military. The Museum is just inside the gate, and they give you a bright red pass to see it with the warning "Do not take any pictures of the base".

We headed north to and stopped to refill with gas. Now the spare tank pump doesn’t want to work again. Had to buy expensive gas. We found out exit and took it drove through a town. We stopped and checked on a cowboy hat for Stephie, but this town don't believe in cheap hats. They started at 79.95; they take their hats seriously.... Stephie wasn't worth it.


vla3.jpg (72954 bytes)vlaaaron.jpg (69597 bytes)Found the Very Large Array (VLA) as seen in the movie Contact with Jody Foster. Big and interesting. This storm was starting when we decided to leave.








    vla2.jpg (28139 bytes) vla4.jpg (267229 bytes)






badger.jpg (135880 bytes)Saw this Badger on the road and stopped to get some pictures. It’s mate had been hit by a car and if it was a female that had been hit; either it was morning her or eating her. If it was the male that had been hit, she was nagging him. "I told you not to cross the road but noooo....")